This mail was translated for Elena
from: | Elena Z. #1859 | +Add |
to: | xxxxxxxx | |
date: | 07 February 2008 | |
Hello dear John ! you like fairy tale?…..or do you remember it from your childhood ?…..Sometimes I see what the fairy tales of my country similar to it from another country…..or I know it from European writer… you remember fairy tale about “ the lifeless princess” … beautiful and kind princess have the fate: in your years to prick his finger by straight pin and will sleep until the beautiful Prince will kiss her and wake up her……… my childhood I was believe by every words of this Fairy tale ( …and all another !!! …) ……………but I am grow up and understand what life is do not the fairy tale …… understand what fairy tale is only beautiful fairy tale, kind story with happy end…..but it is very pity and I want to meet the Prince of my heard ! I want believe in Fairy tale in my life..... I want meet you, my Prince and want wait your kisses and sleep untill the meeting with you...:-)
………I want feel your kiss and it will wake up me… my soul will continue to live the belief in you - my fairy tale's man, my man from my fantasy…the belief of true love and clean, frank feelings in man’s soul……the belief in kind motive in man’s soul……..…the belief what I will born or die from happy in moment when your lips will touch to my lips .…….…thank you, my future Love, my man who I am waiting with impatience…..…
........................ I shall wait for your letter and I shall answer with pleasure.
Princess, Lena

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